$BZB presale launch

2 min readFeb 23, 2021

Important information to note.

You MUST use MetaMask in order to participate in the presale.

You MUST hold 500 $BFI in order to participate in the presale.

Tokens will automatically distribute.

Trading of the tokens is locked until after liquidity is added.

There is a 2% transaction fee on every transaction which goes towards the purchase of staking rewards.

Presale 1000 BZB

1BNB = 2 BZB


Listing shortly after presale has completed.

Either all tokens sold or 24 hours timeframe.

Any unsold tokens will be Burnt.

Lets look at the features launching with BZB.finance

1 Click staking

No more hassle with multiple transactions by manually adding liquidity on Pancakeswap and then returning to the app to stake your LP tokens. Instead we allow our users to start earning right away by simply selecting the amount of BFI they want to commit for LP provision and we take care of the rest!

How it works:

1. dApp takes 50% of the BFI and market-buys BZB from the Pancakeswap LP

2. dApp takes that BZB and adds it together with the remainder BFI back into the Pancakeswap LP

3. dApp receives LP token and stakes it for you

4. You receive rewards in BZB+BTSC/BFI/BETH


Besides the 2% fee on every transaction we have implemented a conditional penalty fee structure for rewards:

early withdrawal of BZB rewards — 20% burn

early withdrawal of BFI/BTSC/BETH rewards — 20% burn

assets get swapped to BZB which then gets burned

early unstaking of LP tokens — 10% fee

assets get sent to the DAO treasury controlled by LP stakers


We take 5% from the collected taxfees and put it inside this lottery pool. Each time the pool reaches avalue of $120 a random LP staker gets selected as the winner. Winner takes all!

Thanks for participating in BZB.finance!

